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Our Twin Pack Reed Diffuser Starter Kit represents excellent value with a more than 20% saving over buying individual kits.


This kit contains 2 100ml bottles of your chosen scents ready mixed to simply pour into your ceramic bottle and add the reeds.


2 simple and modern ceramic reed diffuser bottles designed to hold the full 100ml and 10 natural looking reeds, 5 for each bottle


You can find the scent description in the picture above once you've selected the fragrance name.


Plus the starter kit price includes FREE postage!


We recommend turning your reeds over every week and then replacing them every 3 to 4 weeks.

Twin Pack Reed Diffuser Starter Kit

Das Rating beträgt 0.0 von fünf Sternen, basierend auf Bewertungen.
Preisab 26,99£
  • Why should I use a reed diffuser in my home?

    One of the biggest benefits of reed diffusers is that, unlike other methods of home fragrancing such as candles and wax melts they don’t require heat or a flames to release their scent.


    Reed Diffusers instead release their scent by drawing the liquid fragrance up through the natural reeds. The fragrance then diffuses into the air and makes your home smell beautiful. 


    With no heat or flames to keep an eye on, Reed Diffusers are a safe option to leave unattended while they fragrance. 


    ⁃ Reed Diffusers are easy to use.

    ⁃ Reed Diffusers offer a safe, convenient and stylish way to fragrance your home.

    - Reed diffusers are one of the simplest ways to home fragrance. Then there’s nothing to do except refill the fragrance and change the reeds.

    - Reed Diffusers are a truly sustainable way to scent your home.

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